Monday, January 28, 2008

Auditory Learning...

When doing research on auditory learners, I came across this article "Parents' Source: Family Resource Center" as a way to help parents understand how their children learn. The article goes through the three different types of learners (visual, auditory, kinesthetic) and describes the characteristics of each one. The most interesting point the author makes about auditory learners is the fact that they might hum or sing to themselves while they work. This is one of my pet peeves in the classroom - when I'm trying to teach or speak to the class and there is a constant hum in the room. I think by now my students know that this is something that drives me nuts, so some may do this on purpose, but I guess I never realized that it may be actual auditory learners doing this to help them. This article made me realize that I should probably be more patient with this humming in the room, as it may be a special way for students to learn.

The article also discusses how auditory learners benefit from poems, rhymes, and silly songs for memorization. As much as I'm a visual learner, I also use poems, rhymes and silly songs for memorization. Using that actually helped me a lot in university!

I'm just thankful that there are articles out there that are written by experienced people in the field, that are targetted toward parents. I think it's easy as a parent to get misconstrued information and automatically assume that your child should be learning a certain way. In this case, parents should be encouraged to research and learn about the different ways children learn - sot hey can better understand their children

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